PP Enablement - My view of the world

Let’s start at the beginning - as I’ve said previously I’ve have experience in building adoption of the Power Platform. Starting with a team of 8 amazing people who were willing to experiment, had a thirst to learn, and knowledge of data and processes in their areas - We grew our community to 4,500 people, across 70 countries, who did all sorts of different jobs in different parts and levels of the organisation and got noticed, and recognised, at the most senior of levels in the organisation..

Since then I’ve been learning and distilling that experience, those experiments, those successes, those failures, into a repeatable model, and testing it in the real world. This is the structure that I’m going to use over the coming articles to break this down and bring it to life for you!

Image : Visualisation of Viral Adoption

The Viral Adoption approach is evolving but this is how I’m currently thinking about it.

There are elements that are centred around a more traditional change approach like setting strategy, a mission, a North Star, identifying value and the value we want to achieve, identifying a change approach… but if we drop down into the details of those I’m hoping that you’ll get some additional insights from what I’ve learned and how I’ve approached things.

The adoption cycle itself is an iterative approach and uses the concept of ‘Viral Change’ to focus on establishing new behaviours, enabling those behaviours, and reinforcing those behaviours. It’s similar to how we often operate in the ‘real world’ outside of our work organisations.

Think of a new restaurant that’s opened in your area. Some of your friends have been there and are RAVING about it, the service, the decor, and especially a magnificent chicken dish. The best they’ve ever tasted… Do you think we’d want to try it after hearing that? Yep! And what dish are we most likely to order? That’s right… The Chicken! Our behaviours are influenced by ‘people like us’!

Through this series I’ll break down how we can use this approach to generate pull for adoption by using the networks of contacts that people have across an organisation, and use something called the ‘motivation of envy’ (as one of the fab customers I worked with recently referred to it as :))

We’ll also look at how to measure how things are going. Are we getting better? Have we stalled? What value are we enabling? How can we use different types of gamification to influence adoption and growth?

And importantly that we can start really small with some experiments around each of these areas, see what results we get, listen to what we’re hearing, notice what we’re seeing or the data is telling us, and do more, or pivot!

If there are any specific areas you think are missing, or are interested in learning more about then just send me a message and I’ll do my best to work it in and share my thoughts!

You can learn more about that original journey and experimentation into Power Platform adoption in this video of a session I presented at the Study of Enterprise Agility Conference - SEACON back in 2020 which describes the first 2 1/2 years or so of that journey!

Simon Owen - SEACON - Agile Cultural Transformation - One Superhero at a Time


Scalable Governance


CoE vs CoEn