
Welcome to my Blog! A wise man once told me “Find your People! Find your platform! Find your message!” I think that moment has arrived!

You (Waves hand in general direction of the reader, the Power Platform Community, and the world of people who are looking to adopt the Power Platform) are my people

This (Looks around at this Blog) is my platform and the core of how I want to share my knowledge, experience, thoughts and dreams with to help you tap into this info, and connect with me, to accelerate your journey too.

And as you’ll read below (Points down the page) - I’ve found my message. I used to feel different… Most folks writing blogs, recording videos, sharing their stories etc. were focused on the technical elements and building solutions. Some have started talking about strategy and governance. Very few are bringing experience of how Strategy, Governance (CoE), change and adoption (Centre of Enablement (CoEn) all come together - THIS IS MY MESSAGE. This is my passion. This is my niche!

Picture : My original scribble capturing that advice during a 1:1

Where did it all start?

I’ve been involved in the Power Platform in various forms since 2018. It started with seeing it attempting to be used to create a challenging solution… unsuccessfully unfortunately. But quickly became a major part of my life as soon as I brought together a group of 8 amazing people to experiment with the platform and answer questions like

  • Who should use the platform?

  • Where should they use it?

  • How do they learn it?

  • What value can we deliver with it?

Over the last 5 years I’ve learned A LOT! I’ve developed some solutions, I’ve led product teams, I’ve set strategy, I’ve designed governance models, I’ve grown communities and adoption, I’ve had a lot of fun along the way… but this isn’t me showing off. This is me describing what will come together into the message that I’m going to share.

Over the coming weeks and months I’m going to break down various topics to share how I think about Power Platform strategy, enabling the platform and use cases using scalable governance models, what value means in it’s broadest sense and how we can align it to organisation sponsors and KPIs, and how we can use something called ‘Viral Change’ to create pull and enable adoption through ‘back stage leadership’

In the next post I’ll break down how I’m going to structure my approach - If there are any topics of sub topics that you want me to cover then send me a message and I’ll do my best to cover it!

Thanks for joining me and I look forward to sharing my message with you all!


CoE vs CoEn